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Wamp Server

WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python)
WAMP is a form of mini-server that can run on almost any Windows Operating System. WAMP includes Apache 2, PHP 5 (SMTP ports are disabled), and MySQL (phpMyAdmin and SQLitemanager are installed to manage your databases) preinstalled.

An icon on the taskbar tray displays the status of WAMP, letting you know if; a) WAMP is running but no services are opened (the icon will appear red), b) WAMP is running and one service is opened (the icon will appear yellow) or c) WAMP is running with all services opened (the icon will appear white). Apache and MySQL are considered to be services (they can be disabled by left-clicking on the taskbar icon, guiding your cursor over the service you wish to disable and selecting "Stop Service").

The files/web pages that are hosted on your WAMP server can be accessed by typing http:/localhost or in the address bar of your web browser. WAMP must be running in order to access either of the above addresses.


  • Double click on the downloaded file and just follow the instructions. Everything is automatic. The WampServer package is delivered whith the latest releases of Apache, MySQL and PHP.
  • Once WampServer is installed, you can add other releases by downloading them on this website. They will then appear in the WampServer menu and you will be able to switch releases with a simple click.
  • Each release of Apache, MySQL and PHP has its own settings and its own files (datas for MySQL).
Using wampserver
  • The “www” directory will be automatically created (usually c:\wamp\www)
  • Create a subdirectory in “www” and put your PHP files inside.
  • Click on the “localhost” link in the WampSever menu or open your internet browser and go to the URL : http://localhost


WampServer’s functionalities are very complete and easy to use so we won’t explain here how to use them.
With a left click on WampServer’s icon, you will be able to:
  • manage your Apache and MySQL services
  • switch online/offline (give access to everyone or only localhost)
  • install and switch Apache, MySQL and PHP releases
  • manage your servers settings
  • access your logs
  • access your settings files
  • create alias
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